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Frequently Asked Questions

What is this crazy thing you call "Kangoo"?

Kangoo is a style of exercise done wearing low-impact rebound boots (Kangoo Jumps), similar to snow boots or rollerblades that have springs on the bottom.  I offer a 1 hour group class that combines fun, easy-to-follow moves to the beat of (awesome) music.  It's like a cardio dance class on the moon with a sick DJ!

How much experience do I need?

None!  If you can walk and march to a count of 8, then you can do my Kangoo class!  Modifications are offered for every level.

Do the boots have a weight min/max?

Yes.  The boots you rent from me have a weight limit minimum of 100lbs and max 200lbs.  If you are below or above these weight limits, please let me know, as modifications to the boots need to be made for your safety and for you to get the most out of the class.

Where is the class?

Classes are held at Elevate Dance Center off of Ridge and Virginia in McKinney, TX when class is held indoors.  On nice days, we will go outside!  Outdoor location address will be emailed to those who sign up on the day we will be outdoors.  Please check the Calendar and Locations tab at the top of the page to see where the class you want to take will be held.

How much does it cost?

You can try my class for free the first time!  I won't be offended if you don't come back...that's why it's called a "try" :) Just sign up for the size you need on the day you would like to come, and select "Manual Payment" on the payment screen, and you will not be charged for your first class.  Every class thereafter is $10 per class, plus $5 to rent boots if you do not have your own, so $15 total.  If you have your own boots, it is $10 per class.  You can pay online when you book the class, or check out the other forms of payments, including Venmo, Zelle, Paypal, and Cash.  Payment must be made before class.  A monthly membership is also offered.

Is the music loud?

Have you ever literally felt bass in your heart?  Just kidding :)  But the music is LOUD...that's part of what makes it so FUN!  Earplugs are available upon request.

Am I going to fall?

Probably not!  There is no can fall while walking!  But these boots are designed to help with balance, not the opposite.  It may take some getting used to, but your ankles are very supported in a cast-like hard shell (think snow boots or roller blades).  If you fall side to side, it is very unlikely you will hurt your ankles.  If you teeter front and back, you have a lot of time to catch yourself, and you get used to the boots at your comfort level.  It's not as scary as it might look!

How do I sign up?

Click on the "Book Online" tab at the top of this website and find the size you think you are.  Click on that boot size, and you will see class times available to reserve.  If you do not have boots, you will select the $15 sizes.  If you do have boots, you will select "Class Only:  Boot Owners" to pay the $10.  If you are a member and want to reserve a spot, you will select "Reserve a Spot" at the very bottom, as long as your monthly membership is already paid.  This selection will not charge you anything, but it will let me know you're coming so I can make sure we have enough room for everyone.   You can also pay for socks in that section, or explore the rent-to-own option.

What if the size I need for the class I want to take is not available?

Sizing of the boots is flexible, so if your size isn't available, consider reserving boots in the next size up if you are close to that size.  Example:  You are a 7.5 women's shoe size, but all the smalls are taken on the day you want to come.  Reserve a pair of mediums and bring 2-3 pair of thicker socks (above the shin).

What kind of socks should I wear?

CLEAN socks must be worn.  Make sure they are taller (at least above the shin), as the boots will cause almost a rug burn if there is not a layer between your skin and the liner.  I recommend breathable athletic socks (men's crew socks are good) or even knee-high running socks.  Bring 2-3 pair to your first class, as this is how you can adjust how the boots fit.  I prefer you wear black socks, as the liners of my boots are black, and any other color may leave those little lint balls visibly behind.  No one wants to see your lint balls.  I have socks available for purchase as well.

What else should I wear?

Women should wear at least one very supportive sports bra (or two).  You should come prepared to move and sweat, so wear athletic clothing that is breathable.  Leggings or shorts are recommended, although if you wear shorts, your socks need to be above the shin in order to protect your skin from boot burn.  Also, this is obviously a class with a lot of jumping, so a pad might be needed for weaker bladders.  Please empty your bladder before class!

What should I bring?

Bring water and a towel if you want, although I try to provide clean towels and water bottles for each class.  Bring yourself (dressed appropriately) and your positive attitude, ready to have FUN!

Are the boots clean?

The boots are sprayed with a natural disinfectant mixture by each boot-wearer after class, then they are aired out and sanitized again before the next class.  Clean socks are required for every boot-wearer.  Hey, you survived renting skates in the 80's, didn't you? ;)

How long is the class?

Each class is 1 hour, complete with a warm-up and cool down, in addition to arriving a recommended 15 minutes before class to get the boots on and 5-10 minutes after class sanitizing the boots you wore.

Do you have a referral program?

Yes!  For every friend you bring to a class, you will also get a free class!  Just reserve your boot size (or select "Class Only:  Boot Owners" if you have your own boots), and select "Manual Payment" on the payment screen, and you will not be charged.

Can I buy my own boots?

Yes!  And you can use them outside of Kangoo class for running and walking.  Only Kangoo Jumps brand boots may be used in my class.  The cost varies depending on size and color, but are generally around $250.  You will receive a free class if you purchase them through me.   The springs may need to be changed, but are available for under $30.

What is your cancelation policy?

Please give at least 12 hours notice if you signed up for a class and need to cancel.  Boot rentals are limited, so at least 1/2 a day will allow other people enough time to fill your slot.

Can I sue you if I get hurt?

Nope! All participants must sign a waiver before starting class that releases any liability of injury.

Do you do private sessions/parties?

Heck yes!  I would love to host your group!  Kangoo is great for team building, team conditioning, girls' night out, birthday name it!  Fill out the contact form on this site with the details of your event to work out a schedule and to discuss pricing.  You will most likely have to provide the location, or we can do it outside, weather permitting.

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